
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Blog

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주제 : 정부 기관

최신 블로그

a group of people standing together
비즈니스 연속성

Use certifications for data protection and transparency

Certifications are often a good key indicator to understand how your data is going to be protected.


Digital Transformation Lessons for Defense sector

What the Defense Sector Can Learn from Public and Private Sector Digital Transformation.

Anssi logo

Rainbow awarded with ANSSI’s security certification

The Rainbow solution has been awarded with ANSSI’s security certification, the CSPN.

five trends for ai driven data networking blog image
네트워크 관리 및 보안

Five trends for AI-driven data networking in 2024

AI represents a new era of data networking efficiency, security and innovation as indicated by five key trends for 2024.


Road to Defense Digital Transformation: Obstacles and Drive…

Explore key obstacles in defense digital transformation and why starting now is crucial for future success and efficiency


Six key practices to effectively secure your UC&C solutions

Minimize the risk of a cyberattack and ensure compliance with regulations to thrive in today's dynamic environment.


Exploring the transformative power of AI in data management

ALE’s research delves into several innovative applications of AI in data management and underscores the importance of ongoing innovation.

AI in cybersecurity blog image
Digital Age Communications

Benefits and risks of AI for combatting cyberthreats

While AI can reduce workload, provide new types of protection and increase adaptablity, it also entails new risks.

woman during a presentation
Digital Age Communications

Surprising impact of noise reduction on ASR

An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.

A man looking at a laptop
비즈니스 연속성

Supply chain resilience and business adaptability

Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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